Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat
Reviews TokyoTreat

Dinosaur Island Pudding DIY Kit! – TokyoTreat

I’ve been meaning to photograph the process of making one of the awesome Japanese DIY candy kits. I’ve had them in TokyoTreat and Freedom Japanese Market boxes, and they are a lot of fun.

Anyway, this one is from TokyoTreat’s August Box and is called Dinosaur Island Pudding.

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

We love dinosaurs and pudding, so this is extremely promising!

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

As always the instructions are in Japanese, but usually you can work out what to do from the little pictures.

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

Here are all the bits.

Japanese candy kits are very organized. This one contained a mould, with a measuring section for liquid, a couple of sachets, and these cool dinosaur toothpick things!

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

Often these kits require the addition of water. Little C spotted we actually needed to add milk. So, the first thing was to measure out the milk  and add the powder in the brown package.

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

Then it needed to go in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Fortunately the ’30’ in the instructions was in regular numbers!

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

Stir stir stir.

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

We used a cute little espresso cup. However, when I looked at the amount in the cup compared to the size of the mould, I thought it looked a little skimpy.

So I decided to consult Auntie Google. We discovered, thanks to YouTube, that we actually needed to use three measures of milk.


More milk into a bigger mug and back into the microwave.

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

Do you like my Deadpool mug? I love Deadpool!

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

So after more heating and stirring, it was time to spoon it all into the mould.

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat


Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

Much to the irritation of Little C, it had to spend 3 – 4 hours in the fridge to set.

Oh well, delayed gratification is character-building!


We decided that this would be lovely for pudding that evening, so after supper it was time to do the final assembly!

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

Hmmm, looks like little fingers have been checking it to see if it was ready!

Anyway, it had set nicely in the fridge.

It was quite easy to turn out on to the plate. You just had to loosen the edges carefully, turn it upside down, and push it out.

Then it was time to take the other little sachet that contained the sauce.

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

Looks like lava!

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

There are those cool dinosaurs again!

And the finished result:

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

Look at the T-Rex and Diplodocus squaring off on their respective mountains.

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

Pterry the Pterodactyl wanted in on the action!

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat



Now the taste test.

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

Dinosaur Island Pudding Kit TokyoTreat

All gone!

The pudding was surprisingly tasty. It was faintly chocolatey, and very sweet.

It had a soft custardy texture, rather like blancmange.

The sauce was strawberry-ish flavoured, and fortunately not as sweet as the pudding!


It was a lot of fun decorating the little mountains, and adding the lava sauce.

We are keeping the dinosaur sticks as well. I’m sure we can more use for them, for both food decoration and playing.

We’ve got a couple more kits to do, but this is a really hard act to follow!


Anyway, this was a great success, we both had a lot of fun. And next time I’ll remember to check the translation of instructions first!

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